
October  12, 2022


On October 10, 11, and 12, 2022, International Seminar "Internal Quality Assurance: Perspectives and Challenges" was held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) with the financial support of Academia Europaea. The representatives of the universities of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Ireland, as well as the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement of Georgia participated in the event.

The presentations and workshops were held by representatives of four Irish universities (University of LimerickDublin City UniversityMary Immaculate CollegeSouth East Technological University), representatives of the European University Association Council on Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE), Quality Assurance Office employees from Ukrainian universities, and representatives of Georgian universities.

Irish internal quality assurance model, as well as the issues of doctoral education quality assurance and e-learning quality assurance were discussed at the seminar.

TSU Rector George Sharvashidze said that the seminar is of great importance for the development of the education system in terms of quality assurance. “It is a very important seminar where issues related to improving the quality of education and teaching are discussed. Moreover, one of the issues is how post-COVID education looks like, how universities change every year. Specialists from different countries are participating in the seminar. I especially want to welcome my Ukrainian colleagues,” Rector Sharvashidze noted.

Sofia kobakhidze, Executive Director of Academia Europaea Tbilisi Knowldge Hub, noted that Academia Europaea, the scientific society that gathers over 5500 scientists and scholars from Europe and beyond expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian people in connection with the ongoing hostilities. As a gesture of unity, the Academy decided to allocate funds from the Hubert Curien Initiative Fund to support Ukrainians. Out of consideration for the war in Ukraine the Academy Board of Trustees decided to donate aforementioned financial resources to support ukrainian scholars. Three regional hubs of AE: Tbilisi, Budapest and Wroclaw shared the expenses to support Ukrainians in need. Tbilisi Knowledge Hub, as a structural unit of TSU, is glad to share the above mentioned financial resource distributed for Tbilisi Hub to hold an international seminar - "Internal QA: Perspectives and Challenges".

Sinead O’Sullivan, Director of Quality Assurance at the University of Limerick (Ireland), said that the seminar is important in terms of sharing experience. She also said that the Irish specialists together with their Georgian and Ukrainian colleagues will discuss the related issues in a working format

Amanda Crowfoot, Secretary General of the European University Association, noted that the seminar agenda issues are important topics for universities. She added that such forums provide an opportunity to discuss these issues not only in national but also in international context.

Veronika Tkachuk of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv said that this event is a good opportunity for different universities to share experience with each other and to get more information in terms of quality assurance. “I hope that sharing this knowledge between our universities will continue in the future,” she added.

Nadiya Lemega of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv thanked the organizers and participants of the event for sharing their experience. “We want to use this knowledge to improve the quality system in our universities. Intellectual support is very important for our country, especially at this moment,” She stressed.

International Seminar

"Internal QA: Perspectives and Challenges"