
    Everything in a Museum Communicates

    Academia Europaea Tbilisi Regional Centre, ICOM International Committee for Marketing and Public Relations (MPR), ICOM Georgia, the Georgian National Museum and the Tbilisi Museums Union are organizing an international workshop Everything in a Museum Communicates.

    Workshop to be held in Tbilisi, Georgia from 3 to 4 December, is designed to develop the skills and capacities of museum professionals and communication specialists of all ages and backgrounds, in the direction of culture and science communication.

    The workshop, conducted by ICOM MPR board members Luis Marcelo Mendes and Natia Khuluzauri, is a fast-paced and intense program designed to help the participants understand the role of communications in general and science and cultural communication in particular, strategic brand management as structural elements of a museum, enhance the perception of how a museum's verbal and non-verbal elements can dramatically influence the visitor experience, and learn how to empower their museum's mission and value proposition. Attention will be paid also to ways of managing crisis situations through an effective communication strategy.

    Project coordinator and presenter is Luis Marcelo Mendes, Brazilian journalist and professional with a rich experience in various areas of communication in the museum sector, Board Member ICOM MPR. He will help the participants to understand how to develop innovative leadership and effective audience engagement for cultural institutions from the communication approach as well as give an overview of the major changes in the sector in the 21st century.

    Reflections on the post-soviet problematics and challenges and opportunities of the cultural, scientific and educational institutions in Georgia as well as interesting examples from various similar organizations from around the globe will be carried out by Natia Khuluzauri, Georgian art historian, journalist and science-popular story-teller, experienced in museum communications as well as science and cultural journalism, also a Board Member of ICOM MPR and Executive Director of the AE Tbilisi Hub.

    Funded by ICOM Strategic Allocation Review Committee (SAREC) which promotes excellence and solidarity in the museum sector through support for innovative projects, the initiative is aimed at museum professionals involved in the communication process: museum communicators, science communicators, directors, curators, educators and more.

    In the end of the workshop participants will be awarded with the participation Certificates.




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